A poor girl, named Rina worked in a rich man's house. The house master was kind to her but the mistress was very cruel. She used to scold her now and then. One day while serving tea, Rina broke a cup of tea. At this the mistress of the house "got furious. She started beating the poor girl. The girl was crying loudly. A friend of the mistress was waiting in the living room. The girl's cry got to her notice. She came on the spot and became surprised with the manner her friend was treating the girl. She told her friend, the mistress of the house that such kind of treatment was quite inhuman and punishable offence. She also told that a girl of that age should be in school. But fortune has forced her to work for living. So, she must be treated with due consideration. At that time, the house master entered the room. He also supported his wife's friend. Finally, the mistress of the house could get the point. She repented and promised never to be cruel to the girl. She also decided to send the girl to a nearby school for the under privileged children. At this the girl was very happy. An extra¬terrestrial impression of happiness came over her face.
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